The Reunion of Joseph and Jacob

For this week’s look behind the scenes, we have another prerelease episode from iBIBLE Genesis: the reunion of Joseph and Jacob (Israel). This episode is one of the last episodes in iBIBLE Genesis and is taken from Genesis chapter 46. It will be one of the episodes being released in black and white as a prerelease, giving the completed story, soundtrack, and voices before full color is applied in the final episode.

This first image is an emotional scene after Joseph takes his chariot to meet with his father in the land of Goshen, near Egypt (Genesis 46:29). Imagine believing your beloved son was dead for years and then experiencing the joy of seeing him again. That’s exactly what is happening here.


The next image shows Joseph and his brothers appearing before Pharaoh in his court. You can see how expansive of a space this was, with the ornately decorated ceilings, massive pillars, and statues of certain deities lining the wall.


Below, Joseph walks with his father after Pharaoh offers to allow him and his brothers to settle in the land of the Goshen, and to take care of a portion of his livestock. Now an old man, Jacob blessed Pharaoh and would go on to die after having finally reconciled with his son, whom he had taken for dead so long ago.


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