Landscape Images

Just how much information can you fit in a single camera shot? More than you might think. When there is a large amount of information to share within a single scene of iBIBLE, we leverage landscape images to help the viewer process a lot information within just a few seconds of animation.

Look at this example section from iBIBLE Chapter 10:

God: The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great, and because their sin is so serious, I will go down there now and see if they have done according to the outcry that has reached Me.

In order to show a variety of sins committed by Sodom, iBIBLE uses a wider image that highlights various types of sin, rather than focusing on just one. The scene, though, does not appear on screen all at once.
The camera begins on the left side of the image and pans to the right, revealing each character and scene one section at a time. Take a look at the Black and White shot below:

Landscape images not only help to portray more information in one shot, they also add variety to the scenes to help make the iBIBLE art captivating for the viewer.

Including the whole counsel and context of the Bible is vital to the creation of iBIBLE. As we continue to produce iBIBLE episodes, please consider joining us and supporting iBIBLE as an iBIBLE Producer. With your support, we can continue to bring high-quality, Biblical content to the globe for FREE.

T-shirt, storybook and DVD

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  • Two copies of The Pilgrim’s Progress on DVD (with Blu-ray option)
  • An iBIBLE T-shirt in your requested size
  • The iBIBLE Storybook, Volume 1
  • The newly updated second edition of The Pilgrim’s Progress Storybook
  • Two gift cards for our interactive, online version of The Pilgrim’s Progress Storybook

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Note: Shirts run slightly small

Along with the DVD and iBIBLE T-shirt, you will also receive TWO illustrated storybooks: iBIBLE Storybook, Volume 1 and The Pilgrim’s Progress Storybook. This also includes two gift cards for our interactive, online version of The Pilgrim’s Progress storybook.