Joseph's Brothers are Apprehended

Today’s behind-the-scenes look at an upcoming iBIBLE episode depicts Joseph’s brothers being apprehended on their journey back home and being accused of stealing a silver cup from Joseph’s house in Egypt. These images are from episode 37, one of episodes that will be released with final audio as a black-and-white episode of iBIBLE Genesis. The story is taken from Genesis 44.

This first image shows the steward of Joseph’s house placing the silver cup into Benjamin’s sack (Genesis 44:2). Each visit to Egypt came with its own troubles. After their initial visit to Egypt, Joseph orchestrated a plot to get his brothers to return, telling them to go back home and retrieve Benjamin to prove they weren't spies.


This broad view below shows Joseph’s steward and his attending men apprehending Joseph’s brothers on the road. You can see the walls of the kingdom of Egypt behind them in the distance.


Finally, here is an image of the silver cup being discovered inside Benjamin’s food sack. The steward confronted the brothers, who unfortunately said that if a silver cup were to be found among them, the person whose sack it was found in would die, and they would all be taken as slaves (Genesis 44:9). The "culprit" was Benjamin, the youngest brother.


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