Joseph Thrown Into the Pit

Today’s behind-the-scenes sneak peek into an iBIBLE episode comes from iBIBLE Genesis episode 29. Taken from Genesis 37, this account details how Joseph, after sharing his dreams with his brothers that cause them to envy him, is thrown into a pit.

This first image depicts Joseph tending a flock of sheep with a couple of his brothers looking on. The slightly disgusted expressions on his brothers’ faces serve as a foreshadowing to their future plans to harm him.


This second image shows Joseph being thrown into the pit after being surrounded by his brothers and stripped of his coat of many colors (a gift from their father, Jacob, that only intensified their envy).


Finally, Reuben, the oldest of the brothers who had planned to rescue Joseph after the others had gone, is shown here tearing his clothes in his grief. He missed the opportunity to save Joseph, since his brothers ended up selling him to a group of Ishmaelites who were passing on their way to Egypt.


This sad story is only a piece of God’s overarching plan to bring Joseph to the land of Egypt where he would rise to influence, save thousands of lives from starvation, and pave the way for the descendants of his father to settle in the land and multiply.

iBIBLE is a God-sized project that depends on the generous contributions of people like you. With our Easter launch of iBIBLE Genesis only weeks away, your support to RevelationMedia is more crucial than ever. We will also release our interactive Web App on Easter, which will allow iBIBLE and other Christian content to be shared to the far ends of the earth. Prayerfully consider what you might give today as we prepare for the biggest iBIBLE launch yet!

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